If you need any help or have any questions we have a dedicated support desk for your convenience, called Freshdesk.

Please log in here to submit a request.

If you have any general inquiries, questions, task requests, or you'd like to get an opinion or estimate, then all tickets and questions submitted via the support site are answered free of charge. If you're unsure of what to do at any time, or you need to make contact with us, about anything at all, this is the place to go. This dedicated area allows you to submit a support ticket and review our client knowledgebase. 

You can also send an email to support@megandixononline.com and this will also generate a support ticket within our help desk. We aim to respond to support requests Monday to Friday within 24-48 hours from the time it is received. If it's a particularly urgent request, please add "URGENT" to the subject line of your email.